domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015


Hi people, today I’m going to talk about my favorite piece of technology!
Today, everyone have a cellphone, this is a piece that serves for almost everything. I use my cellphone not only for make calls or see my Facebook or Gmail, I have apps that serve me in my daily activities. For example, an application where I see sports scores instantly call Score.
Music, photos, social networks, messages or Whatsapp, the cellphone is there when you are bored and you don't know what to do. I think that all we stay in the cellphone for hours and suddenly you see the hour and think "seriously? am I passed five hours watching videos on Youtube?".
However, is unpleasant when you are with someone or eating and you see the other people use te cellphone all the time, that is not right.
Well, it’s all for today. See you the next Friday with a new post in Big Swing blog!

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